Managing The Menopause with Bach Flowers
A Brand New Webinar For You!
A Note from Rose....
For years the menopause has not been openly discussed.
It was something that happened to women ‘of a certain age’ that no one really understood, so it happened behind closed doors.
However, in the last few years, those doors have been opened and now the effects of menopause are more readily accepted, but nevertheless they are not easy to deal with.
Bach Flower Remedies (or perhaps you call them Essences) are a brilliant, natural tool you can use to help you manage your menopause.
So I’ve put together a brand new webinar to show you how Bach Flowers can help you manage your menopausal symptoms.
We really don’t like things to change, and we dislike changes in ourselves even more.
So perhaps you are one of the woman who are finding the menopause very difficult to live with?
I see there are 3 components to the menopause, often called the ‘Change of Life’:
This is the most important and the one that gets the least attention. It’s the change in our self-image! (the easier we can accept this new role as a woman, the easier our change will be). - 2MENTALLY OUR MIND SEEMS TO LOSE FOCUS
We get what is called ‘Baby Brain’ - it’s the same as when we’re pregnant and as our hormones change, they mess up our thinking power. - 3PHYSICIAL CHANGES
This seems to be the biggest worry, we get a variety of very definite physical symptoms.
Bach Flower Remedies heal emotional symptoms.
And although you might not realise it, each one of these components I have just mentioned will bring emotional symptoms that are difficult to deal with.
This is where I can help.
The menopause is not a simple subject so there will be a lot of extremely useful information in this webinar to give you proper supportive help in dealing with the menopause.
This is a paid webinar but I wanted to keep the costs down, so there will just be a small charge of:
£19.50 (approx $24.00 - US)
Here are all The Details
SPECIAL NEW WEBINAR: Helping You Through the Menopause with Bach Flowers
(Need to convert between time zones? Try using the web tool World Time Buddy)
COST: £19.50 (approx $25.00 - US)
HOW TO BOOK: Please use the payment button below
This Webinar will also be recorded, so if you can’t make it or want to watch it again, the recording will be available to all those who register for it.
As I wanted to be able to talk to you, to answer your personal questions, I’ve chosen to use Zoom.
After registration you’ll be sent a simple workbook so you can make a note of the Flower Remedies that you think will best help you.
If you have any questions please email me at: rose@the
Your Bach Flower Tutor Rose Todd
Hello I'm Rose Todd and I've been teaching Bach Flower courses internationally for several decades...
I graduated from the Bach Foundation in 1992. So you can tell I have been doing this a long time... and in that time I have absorbed a lot of knowledge and crucially, I have refined exactly how best to pass it across to others through effective teaching.
I have run courses in Hong Kong, Dubai, South Africa and the UK. I have even presented Bach Flower Information on many radio broadcasts!
I look forward to welcoming you on this webinar and showing how Bach Flowers can really help you while you navigate the menopause.