The Simply Bach Flowers Book
- by Rose Todd
Simply Bach Flowers by Rose Todd is an excellent handbook for those new to Bach Flowers, as well as professional prescribers.
It blends Bach’s philosophy with modern-day spirituality as it describes the simplicity of the Bach Flower healing system. There are insightful remedy descriptions and everyday examples of each of the remedies.
The book is in 3 parts:
Part 1: A Vibrational Healing System. This covers Dr Bach and how he dedicated his life in service. Here you’ll uncover the astonishing power of our emotions and the natural ancient universal law of Sympathetic Resonance. Bach discovered all his remedies through the process of Sympathetic Resonance.
Part 2: The Remedies. This chapter starts with the making and taking the Remedies. Each of the remedies is then covered with a short story to illustrate it’s healing power.
Part 3: Practical Spirituality covering your own everyday miracles and the last chapter, which is where we’re all heading, whether we know it or not, discusses walking the power of the soul.
Customer Reviews...

"I can highly recommend Rose's book Simply Bach Flowers. A jolly good read by a fantastic Bach mentor. Written from the heart with a passion for the remedies. I love the poem in there too."
- Sue C. UK

"I'm really enjoying your book, Simply Bach Flowers. I love your very personal approach to your passion. It's a great book!"
- Marion G. UK

"When I saw the book, I didn't hesitate. I'm always seeking a deeper understanding of how to use the Bach flowers and Simply Bach Flowers has given me this. Thank you so much Rose!"
- Peter B. UK

" I enjoyed exploring the remedies as well as looking at the deeper elements of Bach. Your book is really easy to read and a lovely companion, it brought me a lot of joy as well as re-evaluating my thought processes."
- Jane F. UK
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Warm Wishes,
Rose Todd