Back to School Bach Remedies
Back to School or going into ‘Big School’ can be traumatic for both children and parent’s. There was a lot of anxiety in the Cartwright household on the night before the First Day of school. Mother had heard about the Bach Remedies, but didn’t know which ones would help her and her children through this very anxious time.
Just in case you’re going through the First Day Anxiety, I thought I’d give you some suggestions that might help your children – and of course, you too.
First day of school

Through the corner of his eye, even in his dimly light bedroom, Noah could see his new school shirt on the hanger on cupboard door. Although he tried not to look at it, he could see the neat pile of his shorts, undies and socks all ready for tomorrow.
It was not ‘back to school’ for Noah, it was his very first day at school – and he couldn’t sleep! He was tossing and turning. and his stomach was churning. He said it felt as if he had “butterflies and grasshoppers in his tummy”. He told his mum, he felt as if he was on the merry-go-round at the playground, as his thoughts kept going around and around.
Somtimes Noah was excited to go to school for the first time. Several of his friends from Preschool Nursery were going to the same school and that gave him some comfort. He’d been to the school many times with his Mum, to collect his eldest sister, but somehow, starting school himself was a very big step. He was not sure he was ready to be a ‘big boy’ just yet. Noah couldn’t sleep!
Back to school

Annabelle peeped through the crack in the door in her brother’s bedroom. He was tossing and turning, just as she had done all those years ago – and as she would probably do tonight as well.
Although Annabelle was going back to school, she too, had first-day-nerves. as she was now going into High School.
She walked softly to her own room to get her clothes ready for the morning. First day in High School! It’s really a big deal going from being a “big fish in a small pond to a small fish in a big pond” and she was anxious.
As she took her new (and freshly pressed) uniform out of the cupboard, she felt her stomach lurch and start to churn. She too had some friends going to the same school, so she knew she wouldn’t be on her own. But…high school is a big deal!
As she prepared for bed, Annabelle thought: “HIGH SCHOOL”! I’m not grown up enough for High School! How am I going to cope? What happens if I get it wrong?”
..And she couldn’t stop these thoughts! No matter what she did, the thoughts came back, again and again.
And Mother and Father too

Mother was down stairs. She’d settled Noah the best she could and now Annabelle was getting ready for her big day. Mother busied herself in the kitchen, tidying up things that were already tidy! She too was anxious about her ‘chickens’. She’s been dreading ‘Back to School’ day for weeks.
Of course she was anxious for her children – but she also was worried about herself. It was a big step for her too, as she’d no longer have her ‘chickens’ at home to care and fuss over. What was she going to do with her day? There really is only so much satisfaction one can get from housework!
She’d been thinking of joining some sort of group or club. She’d been ‘mother’ for so many years, that she didn’t have the confidence to go into the world again!
Just like Noah and Annabelle, mother’s thoughts were on the merry-go-round – going too fast and going nowhere.
The Back to School Bach Flower Mix

Although Mother, Annabelle and Noah are facing different challenges, they are really all have the same problem – they’re anxious about the changes and worried about not have the confidence to take the next step. This mix of Remedies will help everyone who is facing similar situations.
Rescue Remedy – it does just that, it ‘Rescues’. It helps with panicky feelings and ‘sticks you back together again’.
Mimulus – is for ‘known’ anxieties. If you know what you’re worried about (back to school, a new life etc.)– then Mimulus will help you.
Larch – the brilliant self-confidence remedy.
Pine – for feelings of ‘getting it wrong’.
White Chestnut – to stop the merry-go-round of repeated thoughts.
Walnut – both children and their mother are facing ‘life changes’ -going from one ‘life’ to another’. Walnut is the remedy that helps us deal with our change of circumstances.
This mix of remedies is not just for the first day of school, they will help you through any new situation!
Click here to find out how to make the mix and how to take the remedies.
The Bach Flower Remedies (you might call them Essences) are not just ‘sometimes’ remedies, they can support you all your life, as they have done for me. Not only have they seen my family and I through new schools, they’ve seen us through changing continents 4 times!
They’ve seen me through leaving my homeland, settling in foreign countries and then through the emotional financial trauma of divorce (at 62) and finally to settling in England and starting a business.
Once you know about the remedies, they can help you through every situation, bringing balance, harmony and a sense of well-being.
Then you too, like me, will come to know which remedies your family need to help them through difficult situations.
And over to you…

As always, I love to hear from you, so please leave your thoughts and comments in the Comment Box below. I read and personally reply to all your comments.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Well written Rose You should add teachers to the list too. Thanks for the booklets Flying out this week for 16days in America we are both a little anxious re the travelling etc Any best remedy
Hi Lyn. Thank you for your kind words. It’s a pleasure. I know you’ll find them useful.
The mix is good for everyone when they’re facing anticiption and anxiety – even those filing off to America! 🙂
When I travel long-haul I make up my Jet-Lag mix. Rescue (to help stick you together again.) Olive (for fatigue) and Walnut (to help with the time change.
The remedies do help – as does the understanding that it takes a day per hour time change to get into your present time zone.
Have fun on holiday – and don’t forget the Rescue Remedy!
Bon vogage – Rose
Hi Rose,
Thank you so much for your blogs, but unfortunately for me I saw this blog too late. I hardly slept at all last night from the nerves of going back to work. The change has wracked my nerves. And this morning, I’m a mess and a zombie! My nerves feel shot and I’m exhausted. My question is: what does one take when one gets to this state in order to feel ‘normal’ again?
Really appreciate your knowledge and experience with these amazing flowers!
Hello Sylvia. Good to hear from you, but sorry to hear you’re in a muddle.
The amazing Bach Flower Remedies heal negative emotions. So to chose the best remedies you have to identify your feelings.
Olive is the remedy for exhaustion. You’d need to identify the feelings of ‘being a zombie and being a mess’, then you can choose the remedies.
I can’t help further until you tell me your feelings.
I hope Olive helps you through the day. Rose
Very good For Children &Parents.
Hello Dharma. Thank you. Going to school for the first time, going to University, or going back to school can be traumatic for the whole family. So hope some find my remedy suggestions helpful.
Keep well. Rose
Hello Rose,
Thank you so much for all your blogs and advice on how to use the remedies. They are life savers!
In Homeopathic practice, we don’t use the same glass for all the remedies but each remedy has its own glass because the energy of the remedy stays in the glass. Is it the same with the Bach flower remedies? If so, is there a way to completely erase the energy out of the glass?
Always looking forward to your blogs,
Sylvia Harroch, Homeopath
Montreal, Canada
Hello Sylvia. thank you so much for your kind words about the blogs.
And thank you too, for your question about the Bach Flowers – and homoeopathy.
I am a classical homoeopath, so I understand what you mean.
So – here goes.
The Bach Flower Remedies and homoeopathy are two totally different healing systems, and being a Classic homoeopathy (I only use one remedy/one system at once. (In fact I’ve put aside homoeopathy and now only use Bach Flowers.)
You can mix up to 6 Bach Flower remedies together because the remedies are made in a different way, and react in a different way to homoeopathy.
If you were going to give 2 homoeopathic remedies – but were going to use the same glass, I would sterlize it with boiling water first.
(Being a classical homoepath, I wouldn’t use two remedies at once.
And being a classical homoeopath, I don’t combine the two healing systems either.)
I do hope this is helpful Sylvia. Thank you for your questions.
Love Rose