
Bach Diploma Course

8 Modules 0 Chapters 20 Lessons

About this course

The Diploma Course builds on the fundamentals learnt in the Foundation Course.  It deepens your knowledge of the Bach Essences, while gaining deeper self-knowledge.  This creates deeper compassion and more meaningful healing that will benefit both yourself and your clients. The self-development and learning will enable you to quickly and clearly identify what needs to be healed in others.


On completion of this certified course you’ll be able to pass your certificate to your insurance company and begin practicing.

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Course Structure

5 Lessons

Module 1 - Introduction and Bach's Healing Method

Welcome to this Diploma course.  This module provides an introduction and a brief overview of what is to come...

Module 1 (Section 1) - Course Introduction

The foundation of Bach Flower Healing Method is Edward Bach’s spirituality and philosophy of life.  This section provides an introduction to this philosophy and describes why Bach Flowers are so important in today's world.  

Module 1 (Section 2) - Remedy “Quick Find” – Video Index

This section of the course provides a quick and easy method to quickly locate the appearance of remedies within the training videos. 

Module 1 (Section 3) – Edward Bach’s Healing Method

This module covers the foundation of the Bach Flower Healing Method,  Edward Bach’s spirituality and his philosophy of life.

Module 1 (Section 4) – Getting to Know the Remedies Audio Guide

Getting to know the remedies and their intricacies can be tricky.  Whilst the later modules go through the deeper detail, this lesson provides a brief audio guide covering all of the remedies.  Think of this as the 'quick start guide'. 

Module 1 (Section 5) - Assignments Submission Requirements

If you are seeking a Certificate, you'll need to submit assignments for each module. I have provided an example submission to give you an idea of how I'd like you to answer the questions and includes a sample Case with a Follow up.  You will also have a final interview with me to confirm you've reached a satisfactory level of understanding.  After your interview you will be issued with your accredited Practitioner Diploma certificate.

4 Lessons

Module 2 - The 12 Healers

This module covers "The 12 Healers" - these are remedies that Edward Bach linked to 'Personality Types'.  The first section provides an introduction.  The remaining three sections cover three remedies each.

Module 2 (Section 1) – The 12 Healers: Introduction

This first section provides an introduction to the 12 Healers. Each of the other 3 sections looks at 4 of the 12 Healer remedies.

Module 2 (Section 2) – The 12 Healers: Agrimony, Cerato, Centaury & Chicory

Section 2 covers: Agrimony, Cerato, Centaury and Chicory.

It also has a short exercise at the end to help consolidate your learning.

Module 2 (Section 3) – The 12 Healers: Clematis, Gentian, Impatiens & Mimulus

Section 3 covers: Clematis, Gentian, Impatiens and Mimulus.

It also has a short exercise at the end to help consolidate your learning.

Module 2 (Section 4) – The 12 Healers: Rock Rose, Scleranthus, Vervain & Water Violet

Section 4 covers: Rock Rose, Scleranthus, Vervain and Water Violet.

It also has a short exercise at the end to help consolidate your learning.

2 Lessons

Module 3 - The 7 Helpers

This module covers "The 7 Helpers" - these remedies address long-term emotional states (chronic conditions), which can often mask one's true temperament.  The first section provides an introduction and covers four remedies.  The second section covers the remaining remedies.

Module 3 (Section 1) – The 7 Helpers: Gorse, Oak, Heather & Rock Water

This section provides an introduction to the 7 Helpers and how they relate to life and the 12 Healers.  It covers Gorse, Oak, Heather and Rock Water. 

It also includes a short exercise at the end to help consolidate your learning.

Module 3 (Section 2) – The 7 Helpers: Vine, Olive and Wild Oat

This section covers Vine, Olive and Wild Oat.

It also includes a short exercise at the end to help consolidate your learning.

1 Lesson

Module 4 - Helping Others

This module will help you understand the role of helping others and provides chances to develop the skills needed for effective consultations.

Module 4 – Helping Others and Consultations

The skill of helping others lies in understanding yourself. 

This module beginnings with looking at the aspects of gaining self-knowledge.  It also covers listening skills, which will help you identify the ‘secret clues’ of language and help you filter and unravel your friend or clients’ story.

Included in this module are key suggestions to help you develop your consultation skills:

• Self-knowledge
• Unraveling stories
• Secret ‘Language’ clues
• Filtering out the key messages
• 10 suggestions to guide you

You’ll also be covering the vitally important fundamental building block of consultation skills.  The importance of “Listen-only” and “Listen-up” skills.

5 Lessons

Module 5 - The Second Nineteen

This module covers the 'Second Nineteen' remedies, which were the last remedies to be discovered by Edward Bach.  They address acute conditions that are often linked to other symptoms related to the 7 Helpers and 12 Healers

Module 5 (Section 1) – The Second 19: Cherry Plumb, Elm, Aspen & Chestnut Bud

This section covers the Four Blocks, the 'Boiling Method' and the first 4 remedies within the Second 19 (Elm, Aspen, Chestnut & Bud).

Module 5 (Section 2) – The Second 19: Larch, Hornbeam, Willow & Beech

This section covers the next remedies within the Second 19 (Larch, Hornbeam, Willow & Beech).

Module 5 (Section 3) – The Second 19: Crab Apple, Walnut, Holly & Star of Bethlehem

This section covers the next remedies within the Second 19 (Crab Apple, Walnut, Holly & Star of Bethlehem).

Module 5 (Section 4) – The Second 19: White Chestnut, Red Chestnut, Pine & Honeysuckle

This section covers the next remedies within the Second 19 (White Chestnut, Red Chestnut, Pine & Honeysuckle).

Module 5 (Section 5) – The Second 19: Wild Rose, Mustard & Sweet Chestnut

This section covers the final three remedies within the Second 19 (Wild Rose, Mustard & Sweet Chestnut).

1 Lesson

Module 6 - Prescribing for Others

This module covers the vitally important teachings on prescribing for others.

Module 6 – Prescribing for Others

In this module you’ll discover the power of water and why its remedy medium of choice.  You'll cover: 

  • The Power of Water
  • 3 Different ways to take the remedies
  • The correct dosage
  • Some Do-s and Don’t-s
1 Lesson

Module 7 - Case Studies

This module provides case studies to help supplement the previous theoretical learning with some practical examples.

Module 7 – Case Studies

This is your chance to practice your new skills.  There are 4 Case Studies (anonymised case notes from genuine cases).   Read each case, making notes on which remedies you need.  Then dive back into any previous training and consider whether your chosen remedies are going to bring about the most gentle and quickest healing.

Write a short synopsis of the cases and your suggested remedies, detailing the reasons for choosing the remedies.  

If necessary, make notes on any similar or differential remedies.

1 Lesson

Module 8 - Home Study & Diploma Qualification Work

This module contains all the final items needed to meet the requirements of the Diploma Qualification (through the Approved Certificate).

If you are pursing individual studies and have no intention of applying for the Diploma, then this module contains optional further home studies for you.

Module 8 – Home Study & Diploma Qualification

As you begin the last module in this Diploma Course, it’s time for self-reflection; time for you to evaluate your Bach Flower ‘journey’.

If you’ll like to qualify for the Diploma, please:

  1. answer the Self-Reflection questionnaire,
  2. Complete the Bach Flower School Diploma Questionnaire,
  3. Submit 4 cases (one with a Follow-on interview).

Email all submissions to [email protected]
