October 10, 2024

Today, the 10th October is Mental Health Awareness Day.

There’s a lot in the media these days about Mental Health, but what is it? As far as I’m concerned, poor mental health is living with intense negative emotions, so much so that these feelings control your life.

‘Depression’ seems to cover a number of feelings that are all involved with poor ‘mental health’.

There are two words that comes to my mind in connection with Mental Health and they are ‘Anxiety’ and ‘Depression’ and anyone who lives with either or both of these feelings often suffers from severe loneliness.

So it seems to me, that its a vicious circle, because these feelings feed each other constantly. 

The way I see it is, that ‘depression’ is the result of anxiety and lack of confidence, at a very deep level,  that we’ve lived with for longer than we realise. And there’ll be a few other feelings in there too: self blame for example.  

I have been using Bach Flower Remedies for over 40 years for myself, my family and my clients. These amazing remedies can heal painful feelings and as I’m sure you know, we’re all different and we react to experiences in different ways, so we often need different remedies. It might be that two people with seemingly similar ‘depressions’ might need different remedies for a healing.  

So I’ve put together a few suggestions for Bach Flower Remedies that could perhaps help you out of the mist and on the road to recovery.    

One of the best ways to help you choose remedies for yourself, is to use the Bach Flower Guides. I’m often asked what’s the difference between anxiety and panic. It is the intensity of your feelings that’s different. You can find out this, and more about the remedies from the Guides.

If you feel really intense anxiety that changes how you live, is Rock Rose.  

If you’re a ‘worrier’ and are anxious about the things of everyday life, that needs Mimulus.

If you find it confusing to select the best remedy to help you, these Bach Flower Guides below will help you.

Here are some remedies that can help you with Depression and Anxiety:

Rescue Remedy – its brilliant in emergency situations and for grief. It ‘sticks you back together’ when you feel you’re ‘falling apart’. So this remedy can do a lot of good to everyone with Depression. Rescue Remedy contains Rock Rose, the remedy for panic and intense anxiety and Star of Bethlehem is for shock, trauma and sadness – even if your feelings are from childhood.

Mustard for a depression that comes on suddenly, out of the blue. It’s as if a dark cloud falls on you and you feel as if you’re living in fog. Your mind isn’t working and you’ve no clarity of thought. The most important indicator for Mustard, is there appears to be no cause for these awful feelings.

Larch is for the lack of self-confidence. Few realise that lacking confidence can put you into an extremely deep state of despair. You don’t try to do anything because you believe you can’t do it – and everyone can do it better than you. So you don’t try.

Pine is for self-reproach, it’s for when thoughts similar to “I should have done better. I could have done more. I wish I hadn’t said this or done that” run through your mind. I’m sure you know what I mean. We all need Pine at some time.  

Mimulus  If you know what you’re afraid of, Mimulus is for you. Mimulus is afraid of ‘life’  They don’t talk about their anxieties and push them down into their stomach. Mimulus children often get stomach ache when they’re anxious. 

Sweet Chestnut is for anguish. Despair. The dark night of the soul: unendurable desolation and desperation.

These remedies will help you through the dark days of mental and emotional confusion.

If you or someone you know, suffers from despair and depression this blog here will help you to find Bach Flower Remedies to help.

You can mix up to 6 remedies together. I’ve written a blog on the most effective way to take the remedies, so perhaps you might like to have a look at that?

Mental health has been brought very much to the fore since Princes William and Harry admitted having difficulty dealing with their mother’s death. And now the Prince and Princess of Wales are championing the importance of Mental Health for happy and productive lives. Your mental and emotional health are everything.

I believe that feeling good is the most important thing in our lives and if you don’t feel good, then Bach Flower Remedies are a really simple way of healing your feelings. 

Click here to find out how you can study the Bach Flower Remedies so you can manage your own and your family’s emotions.

And over to you

This is a long blog today because its such an important subject, so please leave your thoughts and comments in the Comment Box below. 

As always, I love to hear from you.  Take care.  Rose.

About the author 

Rose Todd

  • Sylvia Harroch says:

    Thank you for all this info, its very much appreciated . I use these flowers and they have saved me many times from horrible situations of deep anxiety turning into vertigo. Problem is when it happens in the middle of the night, it is so insidious. You have a very good way of explaining these remedies.

    • Rose Todd says:

      Hello Sylvia. Thank you for writing and for your kind words. I understand completely about the Bach Flowers ‘saving’ you. The remedies have been my constant companions for over 35 years. And I can honestly say, that without them, I would be a very different person without them.
      Some symptoms are tricky and insidious. So it seems that whatever is ‘triggering’ your vertigo is still ‘alive and well’! Can I suggest you go back to the time when this problem started, and take the remedies you would have needed then.? Heal the cause – no matter when – and that will cure the feelings. I hope you feel better soon. Rose.

  • Matilde Machiavello says:

    Awesome!!! Thanks a million for sharing your expertise. 🙂

    • Rose Todd says:

      Thank you Matilde. It’s a pleasure. I hope you found something useful to help you through these troubled times. Love Rose

  • Pratima Panjuani says:

    So very well explained in simple way that anyone can understand it.
    Thank you
    God&Goddess bless you with lots of happiness….

    • Rose Todd says:

      Hello Pratima. Thank you for your kind words, and your blessing.
      Im glad you found the blog helpful. Warm wises. Rose’

  • Sandhya Paul says:

    Thank you, Rose for sharing this knowledge. Its very helpful.

    • Rose Todd says:

      Hello Sandhya. Thank you for leaving your message,It’s a pleasure. I’m glad you found something to help in the blog. Take care. Rose

    • Rose Todd says:

      Thank you Erica. Glad you found it helpful. Take care. Rose

  • Rose Todd says:

    Hello Pauleen. Thank you for your message. I can only imagine the ‘debris’ that is flying about in our energies at this time! The Bach Flowers can certainly help you.
    Apsen is for ‘unknown’ fears’. You know what is happening, and I don’t think that is Aspen will help you. But you can try if you like.
    Rock Rose is for feelings of panic – you could need that.
    But what I think you do need is Cherry Plum. Cherry Plum is for when we feel as if we;ve ‘lost control’ of our minds. To put it another way, it is as if the filters between the conscious and unconscious mind are no longer working properly. I suggest you take Cherry Plum and get the filters working again. (Cherry Plum is in Rescue Remedy). And you can take White Chestnut too. That’ll help you sleep,
    I’m sure the remedies will help you. Take care. Rose.

  • Rose Todd says:

    Hello Pauleen. I’m sure Cherry Plum will do good work.
    The channelled spiritual teaching I follow say “a fish doesn’t know it lives it water”.
    We just accept things around us as they are without questioning them. It is very difficult to identify how we feel, and see which remedies we need.
    The Elm state always creeps up on me. Sometimes I’m in the Elm state for weeks before I realise it! 🙂
    I’m sure the remedies will do good work.
    Keep up yoru good work; Rose

  • Rose Todd says:

    Dear Pauleen. Thank you for your very kind words. I appreciate them.
    Helping to contribute to ‘the new world’ isn’t easy. And we knew it would be a rocky road before we voluteered. So long as we can say ‘I did my best”, then I think we’ve done a good job.
    Hang in there. The remedies work wonders. love Rose

  • Shilpa Raheja says:

    Very insightful as always. And I love the fact that you make the time and take the effort to go into details and description of the remedies. Thank you for you guidance and inputs. They mean a lot ❤️

    • Rose Todd says:

      Hello Shilpa. Thank you for your kind words. I do appreciate them. I love the Bach Flowers (as you know) and I feel that when we understand about the remedy, it’s easier to recognise and identify our feelings. I’m glad you enjoy the blogs. And I’m glad you enjhoy using the remedies.. Rose

      • Shilpa Raheja says:

        Yes indeed . Thank you so much. These have especially helped even more and kept us afloat during the pandemic.

        • Rose Todd says:

          Hi Shilpa.Thank you for leaving a commnet.
          I know that the remedies have kept many a family and hundreds of people ‘afloat’ during the paqndemic.
          Glad they helped you and your family too.
          Keep well. Take care. Rose

  • thank you Rose love your analogy
    so visual
    can understand better now these feelings
    rock rose wow

    • Rose Todd says:

      Hi Krishna. It’s a pleasure. Glad the blog was helpful.
      Keep well Rose

  • Hi. I shall keep this as it is really helpful information. Thank you. Which remedy might you suggest when whatever you do it feels that they make you feel it is either not enough or not right- both as a child & now with my adult family. Many thanks.

    • Rose Todd says:

      Hello Evelyn.
      Thank you for your comment – and your question. I’m glad you found the blog interesting, and think it might be helpful one day.
      You ask about a remedy for feeling ‘not good enough’ and ‘not done it right.
      Well the remedy for not feeling good enough is Larch (for Self confidence) and remedy for ‘not getting it right’ – or rather feeling you always get it wrong, is Pine.
      I’ve written a blog which gives a brilliant mix(which I have called Courage and Confidence)>
      Have a read, it’ll tell which remedies can help you.
      Good to hear from you. Take care. Rose


        • Rose Todd says:

          Hello Amy. Thank you for your Comment.
          Bach Flower Remedies deal with our negative emotions. So to answer your question, you have to take the remedy for the way YOU feel when someone else makes you ‘feel a certain way’.
          You can’t give the other a remedy for make you feel a ‘certain way’.
          You’ll would need to take the remedy for your ‘certain way’ feelings.
          Let me know how you feel and I can suggest a remedy for you.
          love Rose

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